School Board Policy

1100 - Policy Overview

1101 - General Policy Statement

1200 - Mission Statement

1201 - Mission Statement

1300 - Creation, Amendment, and Posting of Policies

1301 - Creation Amendment and Posting of Policies

1400 - Definitions

1401 - Definitions

3100 - General Operations

3101 - Insurance

3102 - Smoking, Tobacco Products, Drugs, and Alcohol

3103 - Copyright Compliance

3104 - School Cameras and Monitoring

3105 - Visitors and Volunteers

3106 - Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups

3106-F - Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups

3107 - Use of Detection Dogs

3108 - Service Animals

3109 - Curricular Animals

3110 - Data Breach Response

3111 - Drones

3112 - Hours and Days of School Operations

3113 - Social Security Numbers

3114 - Litigation

3115 - Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Non-Retaliation (including Title IX and Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act)

3115A - Definitions for 3115 Series

3115B - Designation of Coordinators

3115C - Supportive Measures

3115D  - Informal Resolution

3115E - Grievance Procedure and Remedies

3115F - Complaint Dismissal and Appeals

3115-F-1 - Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Form

3115-F-2 - Sample Notice of Nondiscrimination

3115G - Additional Requirements to Prevent and Address Pregnancy Discrimination

3115H - Training Requirements, Recordkeeping, and Policy Notice

3116 - District Technology and Acceptable Use

3117 - Intellectual Property

3118 - Nondiscrimination Covenant in Contracts with the District

3118-F-1 - Formal Complaint

3119 - Experimental or Pilot Programs

3200 - Finance and Borrowing

3201 - Accounting

3202 - Budget and Truth in Budgeting/Taxation Hearings

3203 - Deposits

3204 - Investment of Funds

3205 - Disbursements

3206 - Property Tax Levies

3207 - School Activities Fund

3209 - Debit/Credit Cards

3210 - Borrowing

3211 - Post-Issuance Tax Compliance

3212 - Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance

3213 - Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearing House Arrangements

3300 - Facilities, Real and Personal Property

3301 - Purchasing and Procurement

3301A - Purchasing and Procurement with Federal Funds

3302 - Acquisition of Real Property

3303 - Gifts and Donations

3303-F - Gifts and Donations Form

3304 - Use of District Property

3305 - Sale or Lease of District Property

3306 - construction Bidding

3307 - Construction Administration

3308 - Distribution of Printed Materials and Advertising in School

3309 - Bus Inspections

3400 - School Safety and Security

3401 - School Cancellation, Delay, and Early Dismissal

3402 - Drills, Plans, and Reports

3403 - Reporting Accidents

3404 - Communicable Diseases

3405 - Bloodborne Pathogens

3406 - Integrated Pest Management

3407 - Asbestos Management

3408 - Firearms and Weapons

3500 - FOIA Requests and Record Retention

3501 - Freedom of Information Act

3501-AG - Freedom of Information Act Procedures and Guidelines

3502 - Record Retention

4100 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

4101 - Non-Discrimination

4102 - Anti-Harassment

4103 - Whistleblowers' Protection

4104 - Employment Complaint Procedure

4104-F-1 - Discrimination-Retaliation Complaint Form

4105 - Workplace Accommodations for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities

4106 - Family and medical Leave Act (FMLA)

4107 - Military Leave

4108 - Union Activity and Representation

4109 - Break Time for Nursing Mothers

4110 - Reimbursement

4111 - Professional Development

4112 - Extracurricular Employees or Volunteers

4200 - Employee Conduct and Ethics

4201 - Employee Ethics and Standards

4201-AG - Employee Ethics and Standards - Time and Effort Reporting

4202 - Children's Protective Services (CPS) Reporting and Student Safety and Welfare

4203 - Corporal Punishment and limited Use of Reasonable Force

4203-AG - Corporal Punishment and Limited Use of Reasonable Force

4204 - Confidentiality of Student Information

4205 - Hiring and Background Checks

4205-AG-1 - Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency)

4206 - Employment Contracts

4207 - Third-Party Contracting

4208 - Applicant and Employee Criminal Arrest, Charge, Conviction

4209 - Prohibition Against Abortion Referrals and Assistance

4210 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace; Tobacco Product Restrictions

4212 - Employee Assistance Program

4213 - Anti-Nepotism

4214 - Outside Activities and Employment

4215 - District Technology and Acceptable Use Policy

4216 - Personal Communication Devices

4217 - Social Media

4218 - Employee Dress and Appearance

4219 - Attendance

4220 - Use of Disposal of District Property

4221 - Employee Speech

4222 - Unauthorized Work Stoppage and Strikes

4223 - Resignation

4224 - Personnel Files and Payroll Information

4228 - No Expectation of Privacy

4300 - Non-Exempt Staff

4301 - Definition

4302 - Minimum Wage and Overtime

4304 - Employee Timekeeping Responsibilities

4305 - Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act (MPMLA)

4306 - Assignment and Transfer

4307 - Performance Evaluation

4308 - Reduction and Recall of Non-Exempt Staff

4309 - Discipline and Termination

4400 - Professional Staff

4401 - Definition

4402-R Placement

4403-R Performance Evaluation

4404 - Performance Based Compensation for Teachers

4405-R Reduction in Force and Recall

4406 - Professional Improvement Sabbaticals

4407 - Discipline

4408 - Termination

4409-R Non-Renewal

4500 - Administrators/Supervisors

4501 - Definition

4502 - Assignment and Transfer

4503-R Performance Evaluation

4504 - Performance Based Compensation for Administrators/Supervisors

4505 - Reduction and Recall

4506 - Discipline

4507 - Termination

4508 - Administrator Non-Renewal

4600 - The Superintendent

4601 - General

4602 - Hiring

4603 - Performance Evaluation

4604 - Absence/Incapacity

4605 - Gifts and Donations

4606 - Discipline and Termination

4607 - Non-Renewal

5100 - Student Rights

5101 - Student Expression

5102 - Lockers

5103 - Search and Seizure

5104 - Age of Majority

5105 - Collaboration with Outside Entities

5200 - Student Conduct and Discipline

5201 - Investigations, Arrests, and Other Law Enforcement Contact

5202 - Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Against Students

5203 - Hazing

5204 - Student Appearance and Dress Code

5205 - Student Handbooks

5206 - Student Discipline

5206A - Due Process

5206B - Students with Disabilities

5206C - Reinstatement Following Expulsion

5206D - Student Discipline - Enrollment Following Misconduct at Another Public or Nonpublic School

5206E - Suspension from Class, Subject, or Activity by Teacher

5207 - Anti-Bullying Policy

5208 - Student Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy

5209 - Student Use of Cell Phone and Electronic Communication Devices

5210 - GPS Tracking Device with Audio Surveillance Capabilities

5211 - Emergency Use of Seclusion and Restraint

5212 - Registered Sex Offenders

5213 - Personal Protection Orders Against Students

5300 - Student Enrollment, Attendance, and Records

5301 - Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy

5302 - Enrollment in Kindergarten

5303 - Student Enrollment and Withdrawal

5304 - Nonpublic School Students; Part-Time Attendance

5305 - Schools-of-Choice

5306 - Foreign Students

5307 - Homeless Students

5308 - Protection of Pupil Rights

5309 - Student Records and Directory Information

5400 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Parent/Guardian Involvement

5401 - Parent/Guardian Involvement in Education

5402 - Communication with Parents/Guardians

5403 - Rights of Non-Custodial Parents/Guardians

5404 - Free Textbooks, Materials, and Charging of Fees and Fines

5405 - Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy

5406 - Title I Funds

5407 - Instructional Program and Curriculum Development

5409 - Academic Credits

5410 - Commencement/Completion Ceremony

5411 - Student Promotion, Retention, and Placement

5412 - Class Rank

5413 - Senior Recognition

5414 - Completion Certificates

5415 - Summer School

5416 - Homebound and Hospitalized Instruction

5417 - Homework

5418 - Grades

5419 - Reading Assessments, Instruction, Intervention, and Retention

5420 - Sex Education

5421 - Work-Based Learning Experience

5500 - School Sponsored and Extracurricular Activities

5501 - Fundraising Activities

5502 - Student Government

5503 - Bulletin Boards and Other Student Postings

5504 - School-Sponsored Publications and Productions

5505 - School Attendance on Days of Scheduled Activities

5506 - Field Trips

5507 - Extracurricular Activities

5508 - Extracurricular and Athletic Trips

5509 - Public Appearances of School Groups

5510 - Student-Initiated, Non-Curricular Clubs

5511 - Secret Organizations

5600 - Student Support Services

5601 - Special Education

5602 - Independent Educational Evaluation

5603 - Section 504

5604 - Student Assistance Process

5700 - Student Health and Safety

5701 - Child Abuse and Neglect

5702 - Student Illness and Injury

5703 - Medications

5704 - Student Insurance

5705 - Emergency Anaphylaxis

5706 - Opiod Antagonist

5707 - School Wellness Policy

5708 - Do Not Resuscitate Orders

5708-AG - Do Not Resuscitate Orders

5709 - Lice, Nits, and Bed Bugs

5710 - Student Suicide Prevention

5711 - Toilet Training

5712 - Concussion Awareness

5713 - Immunizations and Communicable Diseases

5800 - Miscellaneous

5801 - Closed Campus

5802 - Student Transportation

5803 - Student Driving and Parking

5804 - Work Permits

5805 - Student Audio and Video Recording

5806 - Recording of District Meetings

5807 - Flag Display and Pledge of Allegiance