As we prepare for our upcoming professional development and open houses, I wanted to share some important updates regarding traffic flow and event logistics.
1. New High School Parking Lot Traffic Pattern:
To improve safety and reduce congestion, we have implemented a new traffic pattern in the high school parking lot.
- One-Way In and One-Way Out:
Please note that the parking lot now has a designated one-way entry and one-way exit.
- New Traffic Arrows
See below or the attached map for the new traffic flow, clearly marked with directional arrows.
- Additional Parking Spots:
We are excited about the extra parking spaces and hope this will enhance your experience during school events.
2. Open House Event 8/20/2024- Elementary School Circle Drive Closure:
For the safety of everyone attending the open house, the elementary circle drive will be blocked off.
We ask that you please park along Franklin Street and walk to the event.
The Clinton Area Fund and PTO have generously offered to provide hotdogs, water, and cookies for everyone attending the open house.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement these changes for a safer and smoother experience for everyone. We're looking forward to an exciting 2024-2025 school year and a fantastic open house event!
Thank you for your continued support.